Five Things You Must Be Aware of before a Blood Sample Collection at Home.

Despite testing times, we are truly blessed to be living in a world that has made healthcare services more humane and approachable to citizens. Ask and you shall receive anything and everything you need at just the click of a button or a phone call, diabetic test at home right in front of your doorstep. The diagnostics industry too has paved the way for a more patient-centrist and senior-friendly approach by introducing home sample collection that is fast emerging as a safer alternative to visiting a laboratory in person.

No doubt, home sample collections are easier, more accessible and even less susceptible to the health dangers posed by the outdoors. However, there are five things you must be aware of before choosing to get your blood sample collected from home.

Check for Reputation & Certification of the Lab

Credentials of the diagnostic lab you choose,viz system, processes and methodology, are a great determiner of the quality of blood tests and results. full body checkup at home One should always look for trusted and certified labs, accredited with renowned and coveted certifications which ensure that the lab follows a proper quality protocol.


Ensure that the phlebotomist who comes for the home visit washes his hands upon arriving. Let him wear a mask and use a fresh set of hand gloves while taking your blood sample. This will ensure that you do not contract infections from him or others he might have had an  encounter with.

New Syringe

Viruses and bacteria, medical tests at home and in some cases even dreaded diseases like HIV and Hepatitis, can get transferred through the use of used syringes. Check to ensure that the phlebotomist uses a new set of syringes while taking your blood samples.

After Care

Immediately upon drawing the blood sample, a trained phlebotomist will place a gauze or cotton on the punctured site and press it gently. You may even ask the phlebotomist to apply a band-aid or tape and press the area for about 1 to 2 minutes to avoid formation of haematoma.

Disposal of Medical Waste

Ensure that the phlebotomist safely disposes off medical waste, including destruction of the syringe to avoid accidental reuse. You may request the phlebotomist to dispose of the waste on his way out of your home, or choose to do it yourself.

Neuberg Diagnostics combines advanced medical technologies and professional expertise to bring world-class diagnostic services within the reach of citizens from the comfort of their homes. To know more about our home sample collections,
